There are 4 grade 1/2 classes in the junior department this year. The number of students in each class is low enabling the implementation of an effective, interactive and vibrant learning environment in each class. All junior classrooms are busy, bright places and children are often engaged in hands-on activities.
Every day there is a two hour literacy block focusing on a balanced literacy and numeracy program. Children can be seen reading independently in every room between 9 and 9.30 and teachers use this time to conference with individuals to strengthen their reading skills and to set individual learning goals. One hour of Numeracy each day develops students mathematics skills. Inquiry units of work allow children to explore the world around them, working through topics including sustainability, community, history, geography and science.
The students participate in a variety of whole school celebrations. These include weekly assemblies, Science days, Multicultural days, Book Week celebrations, tabloid sports and many more.
All students enjoy three Specialist sessions per week. They include Art, Physical Education and Music. Students also visit the school library regularly.
The Junior Department at Specimen Hill is a busy place full of fun, friendship and learning.