

Playgroups and parent groups are a great opportunity to meet other parents in the area, share experiences, develop friendships and increase you parenting skills. Playgroups also provide opportunities for children to learn and develop through play.

Enquiries to the school office on 5443 5353

Specimen Hill Primary School has a Playgroup running every Monday from 9am to 11:00am in our Multi-Purpose room. Playgroup is an educational, fun and interactive experience for children and parents. Playgroup is open to all children under school age.

The Playgroup coordinators are members of Playgroups Victoria and provide a wide range of exciting and engaging activities. Come along and meet new people, make new friends and get involved in the school community.

Please bring along a healthy snack for your child.  Tea and Coffee is available for parents.


'Coming to School' is fun for Playgroup kids too. Learn how to draw, cut, paste, create, throw, roll and tumble. Listen to stories, sing songs, dress up and much, much more.